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Book Reccomendations

A collection of Islamic books for all types of readers. HowToMuslim is neither sponsored nor do we endorse these books and pages, we believe, based on the general consensus of muslims around the world, these are the most often suggested. 

As muslims it's vital we strive to read and educate ourselves on Islam. 

“Read, ˹O Prophet,˺ in the Name of your Lord Who created, created humans from a clinging clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the pen—taught humanity what they knew not.” [Quran, 96:1-5].

Here we receive a direct commandment to recite, or read in the name of Allah – and to cherish the gift of knowledge and the use of writing and reading as a blessing from Allah to make ourselves better servants of God. We must understand that obtaining knowledge is a form of worship – a way to truly show our gratitude towards Allah.

Islamic Basics

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The Quran translated into English (Saheeh International)

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A New Muslim Guide to Islam and it's basics.

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"Being Muslim highlights both our spiritual struggles and aspirations; how we can, on a daily basis, develop a healthy relationship with God, through both devotions and in ordinary daily life. This book is not meant to expound on abstract theoretical aspects of Islam, but to give readers practical and useful knowledge that can help them understand what it means to be Muslim."

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A simple book outlining how to perform purification (wudu) and daily prayers (Salah). Contains both the English translation together with the transliteration to help you learn to pronouce the Arabic. An excellent companion to hold during your prayer for guidance while learning.

A collection of free Islamic Books in a multitude of languages for readers to enjoy

Growing Closer to Allah

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Omar Suleiman explores who and what Allah loves so that we may become one of those who are beloved to Him. 

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This book provides spiritual gems that serve as valuable wisdom and practical advice for the soul.By reading this short work with an attentive heart, the reader can cultivate a love for God and His Messenger ﷺ and live life with gratitude and live life with gratitude and contentment.

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Taste the Sweetness of Ṣalāh is a guide on how to attain khushūʿ and enjoy your ṣalāh. It offers tips on how to achieve full focus and truly connect with Allah in your ṣalāh.

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Sheikh Al-Sha'rawi Series: The author provides an explanation as to what are supplications, how to make them, and supplications of mankind, prophets, and angels.

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This book highlights the spiritual dimensions of the Salah and is an excellent aid in helping those who want to increase the quality of their prayer and closeness to Allah Almighty.

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A collection of supplications from the Quran and prophetic tradition, providing a way to connect with your Lord at every step of your day. 

Growing Closer to The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

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This beautifully presented book provides 30 reflections from the life of our beloved Prophet ﷺ to try and emulate him.

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A wonderful book highlighting the prophet's dealings with different people teaching us how to emulate the best man to walk the Earth.

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This book shares the multitude of proofs surrounding Muhammad’s ﷺ prophethood. There are abundant comprehensive rational pathways that lead to this one certain conclusion: Muhammad ﷺ was indeed the final messenger of God to this world.

Forty prophetic sayings (hadith) based on two main collections: Qudsi hadith which have divine origins, revealed to the Prophet ﷺ by Allah, but is not part of the Quran.

Articles Of Faith

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In thirty short chapters, Omar Suleiman reminds us of how many different scenarios in which the angels accompany us, protect us and pray for us as we go about our day. He inspires us to take every opportunity available to have these angels invoke blessings upon us.

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This booklet takes people on a journey through the life and teachings of Jesus peace be upon him as mentioned in the Qur’an; beginning with his Birth and ending with the Second Coming.

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The book discusses the life story of Prophet Jesus, the Son of Mary, Peace be upon both of them. It starts with the time before he was born, till he was ascended to heaven by Almighty Allah. 

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The True Secret offers practical, step-by-step suggestions that anyone can use to evaluate his or her present situation and begin to make changes in beliefs and actions, working towards success in this life and the next. The examples, explanations and recommendations are in accordance with authentic Islamic teachings. We know that everything happens by the will of Allah, and this certainty gives us security and peace of mind, but we are still accountable for our own actions.

Other Great Reads

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History Books

Islamic History

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Islamic Audio Books

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