Book Reccomendations
A collection of Islamic books for all types of readers. HowToMuslim is neither sponsored nor do we endorse these books and pages, we believe, based on the general consensus of muslims around the world, these are the most often suggested.
As muslims it's vital we strive to read and educate ourselves on Islam.
“Read, ˹O Prophet,˺ in the Name of your Lord Who created, created humans from a clinging clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the pen—taught humanity what they knew not.” [Quran, 96:1-5].
Here we receive a direct commandment to recite, or read in the name of Allah – and to cherish the gift of knowledge and the use of writing and reading as a blessing from Allah to make ourselves better servants of God. We must understand that obtaining knowledge is a form of worship – a way to truly show our gratitude towards Allah.
Islamic Basics
The Quran translated into English (Saheeh International)
A New Muslim Guide to Islam and it's basics.
"Being Muslim highlights both our spiritual struggles and aspirations; how we can, on a daily basis, develop a healthy relationship with God, through both devotions and in ordinary daily life. This book is not meant to expound on abstract theoretical aspects of Islam, but to give readers practical and useful knowledge that can help them understand what it means to be Muslim."