Purpose of Life
So… Why Am I Here?
Everyone acknowledges that our physical body—our eyes, ears, brain, and heart—has a purpose. But doesn’t it make sense that we, as individuals, also have a greater purpose beyond our basic needs and desires?
Allah, the All-Wise, did not create us to wonder aimlessly through life. Instead, He gave us a higher purpose: to recognize and worship Him alone, living by His guidance. This divine guidance enables us to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life, cultivating virtues such as honesty, kindness, charity, and responsibility toward our families and communities.
Allah forbids us from worshipping anything else—whether it be idols, celestial bodies, people, or prophets. He requires no partners or intermediaries, making it possible for every person to turn to Him directly in worship.
Life is a test. Every person is tested in different ways. While we cannot always control what happens to us, we can control how we respond. Patience in hardship and gratitude in times of ease bring us closer to Allah and lead us toward eternal success in the Hereafter.
The consequences of choice. Allah has warned us that those who ignore His guidance and reject Him will face severe consequences in the next life, while those who submit to Him will be rewarded with eternal peace and happiness.
Signs of Purpose in Creation
Allah reminds us to reflect upon the universe as a means of understanding our purpose:
"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day and night, there are signs for people of reason." (Quran 3:190)
What is the Purpose of Life?
Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? These are some of the most fundamental questions we can ask. Understanding our purpose starts with recognising that we were not created by mere chance—rather, there is an intelligent Creator behind everything.
There are many rational and logical reasons to believe in the existence of a Creator. Some of the key arguments include:
1. The Beginning of the Universe
The first sign pointing to the existence of a Creator is the origin of the universe itself.
Imagine walking in a desert and finding a watch. A watch is made up of precise materials like glass, plastic, and metal, all of which originate from natural sources. Would it make sense to believe the watch formed itself through random chance?
Similarly, the universe has laws, order, and balance, all pointing to an intelligent Designer. Everything that begins to exist must have a cause—so who created the universe? The only logical answer is that a powerful, eternal Creator brought everything into existence. Unlike His creation, Allah has no beginning and no end.
2. The Perfection of the Universe
The intricate design of the universe further confirms the presence of an intelligent Creator. Consider the precise conditions that allow life to exist:
The Earth’s distance from the Sun,
The composition of the atmosphere,
The rotation of the planet,
The balance of ecosystems.
If even one of these factors were slightly altered, life as we know it would not be possible. Just as a watch requires a watchmaker, the universe requires an intelligent Creator to sustain it.
3. God Sends Guidance
Throughout history, Allah has sent Prophets to every nation with the same message: to worship Him alone and follow His guidance. These Prophets included Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the final Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
Prophet Muhammad ï·º was the last in this line of messengers, sent to guide humanity with the final revelation—the Quran.
The Quran is more than just a book; it is a comprehensive guide that provides insights into:
Our purpose in life,
The nature of Allah,
The actions that bring us closer to Him,
The Day of Judgment and the Hereafter.
Unlike previous scriptures, the Quran has remained completely preserved since its revelation, guiding countless people to the truth.
4. The Revelation of the Quran
One of the greatest proofs of God’s existence is the Quran itself. This book, revealed over 1400 years ago, contains undeniable signs of divine authorship:
It contains scientific facts that were unknown at the time but were later discovered.
It narrates historical events that were previously unknown and has made accurate predictions that have come true.
It is free of contradictions, despite being revealed over 23 years.
It has been preserved word for word in its original Arabic.
It conveys a universal message that speaks to the intellect and the heart.
It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad ï·º, who was known to be illiterate, yet it contains unmatched eloquence and linguistic beauty.
These extraordinary aspects of the Quran make it clear that it is not the work of any human—it is the word of Allah.
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt—a guidance for those conscious of Allah." (Quran 2:2)
So… What Do I Do Now?
Understanding the signs of Allah’s existence is just the beginning. The real test lies in using our intellect to reflect on these signs and submit to His guidance.
Submitting to Allah means embracing Islam—which, in Arabic, simply means “submission to the will of God.”
Islam is a way of life that is open to all people, regardless of race, background, or social status. Anyone who wishes to embrace Islam can do so by declaring the Testimony of Faith:
"I testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger."
Isn’t it time to fulfill your purpose in life?
Discover more about Islam, learn how to obtain a free Quran, and find online resources at:
âž¡ www.howtomuslim.org/why-islam
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