Prophet Idris
Prophet Idris was the third Prophet in Islam and was born during the lifetime of Prophet Adam. He ruled the progeny of Adam and introduced the art of reading and writing to mankind.

He was a sincere servant of Allah and was elected as the ruler over the children of Adam. Prophet Idris called for Jihad against the corrupt followers of Qabil (Cain) and emerged victorious. He received the rewards of all good deeds performed by man each day until his last breath, and his soul was taken in the fourth heaven. After his death, corruption began to increase rapidly again. The Qur’an mentions two verses that are a testament to his character: Wazkur fil Kitaabi Idrees and Wa Ismaa’eela wa Idreesa wa Zal Kifli kullum minas saabireen. There are some quotes and sayings that are not mentioned in the text, and some of them are not quoted for the sake of brevity.