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Prophet Salih

Prophet Salih, a descendant of Prophet Nuh, was sent by Allah to guide the people of Thamud, who had become powerful and arrogant. They were known for building extravagant structures as symbols of their wealth and power.

Prophet Salih

Prophet Saleh was a respected figure in Thamud society, known for his wisdom and virtue. Allah bestowed prophethood upon him, and he urged his people to worship Allah alone. However, most rejected his message, clinging to their ancestral idols.

To prove his authenticity as a prophet, the Thamud challenged Prophet Saleh to bring forth a miraculous she-camel from a massive rock. By Allah's miracle, the she-camel emerged, attracting some to Islam but leaving many in disbelief.

As Islam spread, the Thamud grew resentful and eventually plotted to kill the she-camel. Their act of defiance escalated as they mocked Prophet Saleh's warnings.

Prophet Saleh, realizing their defiance, warned them of a three-day respite before Allah's punishment. The people scoffed and plotted to assassinate him.

Following Allah's guidance, Prophet Saleh and his followers left Thamud. Soon afterward, a series of natural disasters, including thunderbolts and earthquakes, struck, annihilating the entire tribe and its fortified mountain dwellings.

The disbelievers of Thamud faced the consequences of their arrogance and disbelief as they perished, while Prophet Saleh and the believers were saved by Allah's grace. Prophet Saleh later migrated to Palestine, where he lived until his death.

The story of Prophet Saleh serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of arrogance, materialism, and rejecting divine guidance. It underscores the importance of monotheism and humility before Allah and the ultimate fate of those who persist in disbelief.

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