Prophet Sulayman
The story of Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) in Islam begins with his lineage, being the son of Prophet Dawud (David). Sulaiman learned from his father's vast wisdom and occasionally joined him in important matters.

One day, Prophet Dawud posed a series of challenging questions to his 19 sons, to which Sulaiman provided insightful answers. Impressed by his wisdom, Prophet Dawud appointed Sulaiman to succeed him as king and prophet.
Sulaiman's reign was marked by Allah's blessings and miracles. He beseeched Allah for a kingdom that no one else would ever have, and Allah granted his request. Sulaiman had the ability to control the wind, communicate with animals, and command the jinn. He built the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and made a pilgrimage to Makkah.
One day, Sulaiman learned of a remarkable water channeling mechanism in Yemen and sought to replicate it in his own land. He sent a Hoopoe bird to find water underground. When the bird didn't return immediately, Sulaiman became impatient and vowed to punish it. The bird later returned with news of a powerful queen named Bilkis in Sheba (Saba) who ruled over a prosperous kingdom.
Sulaiman sent a letter to Bilkis, inviting her to Islam. Bilkis consulted her advisors, and they decided to send gifts to Sulaiman to gauge his power. Sulaiman declined the gifts, emphasizing that what Allah had given him was better. He displayed his mighty army, which included humans, animals, and jinn, to Bilkis's messengers.
Bilkis decided to meet Sulaiman in person. Sulaiman's miracle occurred when he asked his army, "Which of you can bring me her throne before they come to me surrendering themselves in obedience?" One jinn offered to bring it within the twinkling of an eye, but Sulaiman waited for an even faster offer. Another jinn brought Bilkis's throne almost instantly. Bilkis was impressed and accepted Islam.
Sulaiman's reign continued, marked by his wisdom and the display of Allah's miracles. He emphasized that only Allah had knowledge of the unseen. Even his death was a lesson in this regard. He passed away while leaning on his staff, unnoticed by his people and the jinns who were working for him in a mine. His death was revealed when an ant nibbled his staff, causing his body to fall.
The story of Prophet Sulaiman in Islam showcases his wisdom, humility, and the miracles granted to him by Allah. It teaches lessons about the importance of relying on Allah's knowledge and power and the consequences of impatience.