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Top 5 Muslim "Influencers".

Muslim social media accounts and influencers play a vital role in reminding Muslims around the world and being a present role model to follow, for reminders benefit the believers, as well as being a respresentitive to non-muslims of Islam, representing the ideal Muslim character and etiquette.
While social media has many harmful effects, utilising it for the good it can provide and maximising the benefit we get through increasing our exposure to good can offer us overall benefits, with moderation. Below are a list of Muslim social media Influencers we think play an important role and are worth following in our humble opinion.


Dr. Areeba Adnan

Dr. Areeba Adnan

A Clinical Psycologist and owner of the practice Salam Psychology, Dr. Areeba plays an important role in her family and community. Her regular posts from meal preps to family activities and life struggles make her a great present day role model for everyday Muslimahs to follow.


Imam Omar Suleiman

Imam Omar Suleiman

An Imam, wonderful orator with a remarkable smile, Imam Omar Suleiman is radiates positivity and embodies many of the qualities our Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) held. His work on building bridges between communities and promoting justice are actions we should practice daily.


Waleed Maoed

Waleed Maoed

A Solo traveller having visited all 7 continents and 78 countries as of writing. With an adventurous spirit he beings his followers along on his adventures and showcases his beautiful photography and videography skills. In addition he's made it a goal to visit a mosque in every country he visits whilst explaining some of the history and architecture behind it, showcasing the wide and diverse ummah we have today.


Yasmin Mogahed

Yasmin Mogahed

An educator and public speaker specialising in psychology and self development, Yasmin has authored multiple books that we believe are a must read. She often shares beautiful insights and reflections that help deepen our knowledge whilst also playing an important role in raising money for charity.


Aisha Rosalie

Aisha Rosalie

Aisha, a British revert who found Islam after a trip to Turkey shares her experiences and story, inspiring many who relate to her. She's an avid supporter of the Uyghurs and Palestinian's rights to freedom in addition to her love of learning languages such as Arabic, Urdu and Bahasa. How to become Muslim. How to Islam. Islam. Prophet Muhammed. Jesus in Islam.


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